Photographing children with special needs

Photographing children with special needs

Care is needed when photographing children with special needs

Here is a lovely review a friend wrote recently:

The background story.

A friends son has Autism and Tourette’s, so found it too overwhelming to have photos taken at school.  The environment was too noisy and he didn’t like having his photo taken in front of other people.

This was too much for, lets call him Peter, so his siblings have their memorable school photos but he doesn’t because the environment wasn’t suitable for him.

Photographing a school photography session for a child with special needs.

This is why last year, for the for first time they came to Claire Wilders Photography in Southwater, near Horsham.  For a bespoke school photo session. Peter came in and took his time to settle in slowly.  The session was then taken as his speed.  He was a little star and had his photos taken with his siblings and together they got some lovely photos of them ALL together.  It took a bit longer than the “allotted time” but that’s okay because it’s about creating a memory for the family and they deserve to have that photo, just like everyone else.

Family Photography Horsham, Photographing children with special needs

So now they have that “normal” school photo.. like everyone else.

BUT…what is normal?

Is Peter not normal because he doesn’t like his photo being taken or is he completely normal because he doesn’t like his photo being take?   He just has extra needs. Every person on this page has had completely different needs because no child is the same.. even twins!

Family Photography Horsham, children with special needs

MOST children HATE having their photo taken..

Children, like Peter that have special needs may find having their photo taken a struggle because it’s too noisy and too intrusive.  Others hate sitting down too long BUT don’t most children?  Things children don’t like about photo sessions include having to look at the camera, hating their outfit or not liking a stranger making them do this and do that.  Some just hate having to be near their brothers and sisters!


Children with special needs, School Photography Horsham

But this doesn’t mean they can’t have their photos taken.  It’s about adapting to the children.

This could include; playing with their toys, running around the woods or reading a book. Helping them to settle in, in whatever way they need. The session can be at your house, the park, their sports lesson, wherever they feel comfortable. (It also doesn’t cost you more if it’s in the local area)Party Photo Session Horsham, Family Photography Horsham

Any photographer will tell you kids photo sessions are very rarely a dream because children are not little robots.. BUT you will have some gorgeous photos at the end of it, showing their personality!

Mini Family Photo Sessions in Horsham.

Mini sessions are great because these only take around 20 minutes so families aren’t expected to “perform” for ages. Outdoor Mini Family Photography Sessions allow your children to burn up some energy on the walk to the location.  It’s also possible have a quick play and relax before the camera comes out.

Please do get in touch or feel free to head here to have a look at the Families Photography Page.

Children with special needs Horsham, Photographing children with special needs

None of the children on this page are models.

It’s about capturing emotions and personal moments.  Whatever they are; cuddles, splashing in a puddle, wearing a princess outfit.

Together we will decide the best environment to capture the perfect photos of your family.

Family Photography Horsham


Peter asked his mum if I can take his photos again this year because it’s much calmer for him and he prefers this to the crazy school environment.

If you wish to keep up to date with future offers and information you can also like my Facebook page by clicking Claire Wilders Photography 


MOTHERS DAY is coming… are you ready?  Let’s celebrate them all!

MOTHERS DAY is coming… are you ready? Let’s celebrate them all!

Mothers Day Photography sessions


Why are mothers day photography sessions important?  Let me ask you a question?  Are you one of the organised people that can think of awesome presents months in advance or are you the person that leaves it to the last moment?

Whichever you are, I can help…. because I am running photo sessions to celebrate Mothers Day.  We are all getting older and know that our parents won’t be around forever.  But do you have any recent photos of you and your mum? Or of you and your children? We all have the excuses, I want to lose weight, I hate having my photo taken but what if you didn’t have the photo to look back on? How would you feel?

You today are who your children will look back on and your mum today is looking her best.  Lets capture those beautiful memories with a Mothers Day Photography Session.   


Whether it is for:

Your own mum (or dad, if from a single parent family.. it’s a celebration remember), wife, girlfriend, nanny or grandma.  Daughter and her family or even just your children.  The choice is yours.

Family photographer sussex


Mothers Day Photography Session


Family Photography in sussex

I have sessions available…

How does the session work?

This day is about celebrating all mums, regardless of the age of their children, and all the amazing thing they do for us.

Whether you would like a voucher to be given on the day so that you can come at a later date as a family… or booking it prior to Mothers Day so that you can give the gift on the actual day.  The choice is yours.  This is a celebration of mums so feel free to bring three generations of families.  I want your Mothers Day Photo Session to be memorable day providing wonderful pieces of art that you can proudly show on your wall for many years to come.


Family photography sussex

Southwater Photography

Mothers Day Present, Sussex Photography


Family of 5 photography


Horsham Photographer

Beautiful girl photography

Sussex family photography


Family Photographer Horsham, outdoor family photography Horsham


Where are the sessions held?

Depending on your family size session can be held at your home, in my home studio or outside in the garden or local park.  When booking a session together we can discuss the options and which one will work better for your family.

Wall Art will also be available to purchase and will include a 10% discount to celebrate our mums!


Please click HERE   to visit the Family Photography page for more information.  If you would like to get in touch please mention Mothers Day.

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Family photography, Photo sessions, Horsham Park, Location Photography










Autumn Minis coming soon….

Hey guys,

I will soon be putting together some dates for Autumn mini sessions in the Horsham and Crawley area.  If you would like me to email you details please fill out the contacts form and I will add you to the mailing list.  These sessions take half an hour so are cheaper than the full portrait session..

Hope you had a great summer.



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