Things to do in Sussex…
Wisborough Green Hot Air Balloon Festival 2018
Finding things to do in West Sussex can be hard to do when you don’t know what’s out there. But have you heard of Wisbourough Green…
I can’t imagine many people have. Its a lovely, sleepy little village in West Sussex that is set around a village green and a pond. It also has a pub, cafe, school and post office. I only know it because I drive through it or occasionally I cycle to the cafe. However once a year the village comes alive with people and bursts of colour. As 25 balloons descend on the village ready to take flight for the charity Chestnut Tree House!
Around sunrise and sunset the hot air balloons are prepared on the village green. It’s amazing to walk amongst them at the various stages of inflation. The colours are absolutely stunning. Once set up, you can watch the stunning display of balloons taking off and flying over the Downs and Sussex countryside. This year the weather was so warm with bright blue skies. Watching the balloons was just magical, especially being able to see them in the sky as the sun was setting.
I can’t wait for next year when I’ll definitely be up early to see them setting up.
For more information on booking a hot air balloon ride at the event South Downs Balloons.
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