Bluebell Sessions

Bluebell Sessions

Spring is on its way!!  Therefore, it won’t be long until the bluebells arrive and that means it’s time to book your session…

As bluebells only last a few weeks there will be limited dates available so if you are interested in capturing some memories of your family it’s best to book as soon as possible.  Sessions will last about 45 minutes and location will be confirmed closer to the time, once I know the most beautiful area to use.  At the moment possible locations include Barns Green, Horsham, Crawley or Billingshurst.


Bluebell portrait photography, Horsham, Barns Green, Crawley, Billingshurst [contact-form to=’’ subject=’Claire Wilders Photography Enquiry’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Enquiry Type’ type=’text’/][/contact-form]

A new website…

A new website…

Claire Wilders

Like everyone I hate my photo being taken..
My 5yr old decided he wanted to be behind the camera and boss me about for a change… This is his shot and the only one I’ve had taken for a while…



Hi guys,
So, those of you that have been following me will already be aware that I currently have a FB page and that the website is a new thing….

Well actually it’s been around for a little while but it’s all been a little hectic so the website has taken a back seat.  After a little nagging from my sister in law…(her fiancé, my, extremely, talented brother in law (DVT WEB DESIGN) set the website up for me because I have no idea how or where to start!  Or, in fact, how to continue hence it halting progress.)… Anyway, after a bit of gentle nagging… And a lot of explaining my website is now back in progress.  (If you do need any help with building your website definitely send him a message because he really does do an amazing job!)

Please bear with me whilst I set it up and if you have any questions either pop to my Facebook page or email me for more information.  I promise you my photography is way better than my website knowledge…. ????

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