What to wear for a bluebell photo session
choosing your outfits
What to wear for a bluebell photo session doesn’t have to be stressful. It is about choosing one outfit and linking all of the rest.
I love neautral colours with one main colour. For example:
Blues, whites and tans.
Yellow, blues and whites.
Burgendy and neautral colours etc
patterns or no patterns
It is also important to not have lots of different patterns. Ideally choose one small pattern and work the other outifts around this. For example, if dad wears a check shirt, pick colours from that to dress everyone else.
textures & accsesories
Textures also look fantastic when mixing outifts. Chunky knitwear and scarves can be a great addition.
Below I have chosen some outfits which will give you a few ideas…
and h&m
for older girls I decided to head over to shein
Shein has a wide range of outfits so I wanted to find something that would look great but would also link with the rest of the family.
Lots of teenage girls currently like to show off some skin, so I decided to included some chunky over sized cardigans, to give an elegant look. These can also be paired up with crop tops or shorter skirts.
whereas for younger girls i went to h&m
and the boys, i also stayed at h&m
For the males, their outifts are pretty similar as linen trousers or chinos look great on them both. Paired with a linen shirt or jumper and they look gorgeous. Younger boys can even be in a smart pair of shorts with braces.
I really hope this has given you a few ideas about what to wear for a bluebell photo session but please do get in touch if you have any more questions. You can even visit my Pinterest page for a few more ideas.
For more information on a family photo session please head over to my family sessions page by clicking HERE
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